Transfer Students are different from First-time Freshmen. You know what you want in a college, because you have been to college and found things that you liked… and things you didn’t like. Your questions are focused, and your desires are clear and defined. Or not.

Either way, we are here for you. If you have particular concerns, we want to answer them for you. If you just need to explore, we are here for that too. Let us know how we can help.

Transfer students have two very common concerns: how much will your college cost for me specifically? And how many of my hard-earned credits will you accept?

Financial Aid

We have new and improved transfer scholarships, so there is a good chance that you will find Georgetown College to be affordable as well as excellent. To learn how much aid you might receive, you can complete our affordability calculator here.

Transfer Credit Information

For transfer credits, you can click here to submit your transcript and our registrar will send you a quick audit within three business days!

“Transferring to Georgetown College was a really pleasant surprise, because there is such a tight sense of community. I feel really connected to my professors; I know all of them, and I can reach out to them at any time about anything. Honestly, I feel connected to my own education now, and it has made me value my education a lot more. Last semester I was on the Dean’s List! That has never happened before, but here I feel like everyone is working to help me succeed.”
 Victoria Smith, 2018


KCTCS Course Equivalencies

Transferring from a community college to a four-year institution can be difficult. Thanks to an exciting partnership between Georgetown College and  Kentucky’s Community and Technical College System (KCTCS), we’ve made it easier than ever before. Students receiving their Associates in Arts (AA) degree from KCTCS can now transfer to Georgetown College with a plan in place to complete their bachelor’s degree in an additional 2 years.

The information below will assist in knowing how courses will transfer from KCTCS. If you have any questions regarding these equivalencies, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 502-863-8024 or [email protected].

For questions concerning transfer admissions please contact the Office of Admissions.

Table Key

  • AOI (ex. COMM AOI): This course has no direct equivalent at GC but fulfills a Foundations and Core (GC’s general education curriculum) requirement. Typically also fulfills a major/minor requirement in the department.
  • Elective (ex. ART elective): This course has no direct equivalent at GC but will typically count towards a major/minor in the department.
  • *(ex. THE107*): This course fulfills a Foundations and Core requirement.

KCTCS Name KCTCS Description Georgetown Georgetown Description
ACC 201
Financial Accounting
BUA 210 Accounting I
ACC 202
Managerial Accounting
BUA 211 Accounting II
AHS 115
Medical Terminology
KHS 200 Medical Terminology
AR 221
Painting II
ART - ART Elective
ART 104
Introduction to African Art
ART 170 Topics in Art
ART 105
Ancient Through Medieval Art History
ART 210* Survey of Art I
ART 106
Renaissance Through Modern Art History
ART 212* Survey of Art II
ART 110
Drawing I
ART 115* Drawing
ART 112
2-Dimensional Design
ART 117 Design Basics and Color
ART 113
3-Dimensional Design
ART 118 Introduction to Three Dimensional Design and Ceramics
ART 201
Ancient Art History
ART 170* Topics in Art
ART 202
Medieval Art HIstory
ART 170* Topics In Art
Art 203
Renaissance Art History
ART 170* Topics In Art
ART 204
Modern Art History
ART 208
Introduction to Art Education
ART 220
Painting I
ART - ART Elective
ART 260
Sculpture I
ART - ART Elective
ART 270
Printmaking I
ART - ART Elective
ART 281
Digital Photography I
ART 220* Digital Photography
AST 191
The Solar System
PHY 103* Astronomy
AST 192
Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
PHY 103* Astronomy
BAS 160
Intro to Business
BUA 125 Intro to Business with Computer Applications
BAS 212
Principles of Finance
BUA - BUA Elective
BAS 267
Intro to Business Law
BUA - BUA Elective
BAS 274
Human Resource Management
BUA - BUA Elective
BAS 283
Principles of Management
BUA - BUA Elective
BAS 291
Retail Management
BUA - BUA Elective
BIO 112
Introduction to Biology
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
BIO 112/113
Introduction to Biology/Introduction to Biology Lab
BIO 100* Science of Life
BIO 114/115
Biology I with Lab
BIO 111* Biological Principles
BIO 116/117
Biology II with Labs
BIO 111* Biological Principles
BIO 118
Microbes and Society
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
BIO 120/121
Human Ecology with Lab
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
BIO 122
Intro to Conservation Biology
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
BIO 124
Principles of Ecology
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
BIO 130
Aspects of Human Biology
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
BIO 135
Basic Anatomy and Physiology with Lab
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
BIO 140/141
BIO 214* Organismal Diversity
BIO 142/143
BIO 214* Organismal Diversity
BIO 150/151
Principles of Biology II
BIO 111* Biological Principles
BIO 152/153
Principles of Biology II
BIO 111* Biological Principles
BIO 220
The Genetic Perspective
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
BIO 225
Medical Microbiology
BIO 100* Science of Life
BIO 226/227
Principles of Microbiology
BIO -* BIO AOI - No Lab
CHE 120
Chemistry in Society
CHE 102* Liberal Arts Chemistry (No Lab)
CHE 120/125
Chemistry in Society/Chemistry in Society Laboratory
CHE 100* Liberal Arts Chemistry
CHE 170/175
General College Chemistry I/General College Chemistry Laboratory I
CHE 111* General Chemistry I
CHE 180
General College Chemistry II
CHE 112* General Chemistry II
CHE 185
General College Chemistry Lab I
CHE 113 General Chemistry Lab II
CHE 190
Industrial Chemistry
CHE -* CHE AOI (Must take w/CHE 195 for lab credit)
CHE 195
Industrial Chemistry Laboratory
CHE 253
Materials Science
CHE 270
Organic Chemistry I
CHE 201 Organic Chemistry I
CHE 275
Organic Chemistry Lab I
CHE 202 Organic Chemistry Lab I - Techniques and Synthesis
CHE 280
Organic Chemistry II
CHE - CHE Elective (Must take w/CHE 275 for Lab Credit)
CHE 285
Organic Chemistry Lab II
CHE 310 CHE Elective
CIT 120
Computational Thinking
CSC 100* Mathematics and Computation
CIT 130
Productivity Software
BUA 125 Intro to Business with Computer Applications
CIT 142
CSC 115* Computer Science I
CIT 143
C# I
CSC 115* Computer Science I
CIT 144
Python I
CSC 115* Computer Science I
CIT 145
Perl I
CSC 115* Computer Science I
CIT 147
Programming I: Language
CSC 115* Computer Science I
CIT 149
Java I
CSC 115* Computer Science I
CIT 242
CSC 215 Computer Science II
CIT 243
CSC 215 Computer Science II
CIT 244
Python II
CSC 215 Computer Science II
CIT 247
Programming II: Language
CSC 215 Computer Science II
CIT 249
Java II
CSC 215 Computer Science II
CIT 271
CSC - CSC Elective
CLA 131
Medical Terminology from Greek and Latin
CLA 170* Introductory Topics to Classical Literature
CMS 105
Multimedia Production and Applications I
COMM 265 Communication Practicum
CMS 142
Communications Practicum
COMM 265 Communication Practicum
CMS 155
Introduction to Broadcasting
COMM 215 Introduction to Media Studies
COM 101
Introduction to Communication
COMM 101 Principles of Communication
COM 181
Basic Public Speaking
COMM 115 Professional Communication
COM 1811
Public Speaking Essentials
COMM 115 Professional Communication
COM 1812
Basic Informative Essentials
COMM 115 Professional Communication
COM 1813
Basic Persuasive Speaking
COMM 115 Professional Communication
COM 205
Business and Professional Communication
COMM 115 Professional Communication
COM 2051
Communication Foundations
COMM 101 Principles of Communication
COM 249
Mass Media and Mass Culture
COMM 215 Introduction to Media Studies
COM 252
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
COMM 200 Personal and Interpersonal Bases of Communication
COM 2521
Looking In
COMM 200 Personal and Interpersonal Bases of Communication
COM 2522
Communicating and Responding
COMM 200 Personal and Interpersonal Bases of Communication
COM 2523
Looking at Relational Dynamics
COMM 200 Personal and Interpersonal Bases of Communication
COM 254
Introduction to Intercultural Communication
COMM - COMM Elective
COM 281
Communication in
COM 287
Persuasive Speaking
COMM 115 Professional Communication
CRJ 100
Intro to Criminal Justice
SOC 121 Intro to Social and Criminal Justice
CRJ 202
Issues & Ethics in Criminal Justice
SOC 311 Ethics in Social and Criminal Justice
CRJ 203
Community Corrections: Probations and Parole
SOC - SOC Elective
CRJ 208
Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System
SOC - SOC Elective
CRJ 277
Intro to Criminology
SOC - SOC Elective
CS 115
Introduction to Computer Programming
CSC 115* Computer Science I
CS 215
Introduction to Program Deisgn, Abstraction, and Problem Solving
CSC 215 Computer Science II
ECO 201
Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 223* Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 202
Princples of Macroeconomics
ECO 221* Principles of Macroeconomics
EDP 202
Human Development and Learning
EDU 233 Student Development, Behavior, and Learning
EDU 110
Orientation to Education
EDU 131 Current Issues In Education
EDU 120
Child and Adolescent Development
EDU 233 Student Development, Behavior, and Learning
EDU 130
Introduction to Special Education
EDU - EDU Elective
EDU 201
Introduction to American Education
EDU 131* Current Issues In Education
ENG 101
Writing I
ENG 111* English Composition I
ENG 102
Writing II
ENG 112* English Composition II
ENG 105
Writing: An Accelerated Course
ENG 115* English Literature Survey I
ENG 221
Survey of English LIterature I
ENG 211* English Literature Survey I
ENG 222
Survey of English Literature II
ENG 213* English Literature Survey II
ENG 261
Survey of Western Literature from the Greeks through the Renaissance
ENG 296* World Literature Survey I
ENG 262
Survey of Western Literature from the 1660 to Present
ENG 298* World LIterature Survey II
FRE 101
Elementary French I
FRE 101* Elementary French I
FRE 102
Elementary French II
FRE 102* Elementary French II
FRE 201
Intermediate French I
FRE 201* Intermediate French I
FRE 202
Intermediate French II
FRE 230 Intermediate French II through Film
GEL 101/111
Physical Geology/Laboratory for Physical Geology
GEL 113* General Geology
GEL 220
Principles of Physical Geology
GEL 113* General Geology
GER 101
Elementary German I
GER 101* Elementary German I
GER 102
Elementary German II
GER 102* Elementary German II
GER 201
Intermediate German I
GER 201* Intermediate German I
GER 202
Intermediate German II
GER 202* Intermediate German II
HIS 101
World Civilization I
HIS 111* History of Civilization to 1648
HIS 102
World Civilization II
HIS 113* History of Civilization Since 1648
HIS 104
A History of Europe through the Mid-Seventeenth Century
HIS 111* History of Civilization to 1648
HIS 105
A History of Europe From the Mid-Seventeeth Century to Present
HIS 113* History of Civilization Since 1648
HIS 108
History of the US through 1865
HIS 223* Introduction to American History 1492-1877
HIS 109
History of the US Since 1865
HIS 225* Introduction to American History 1877-Present
HIS 202
History of British People to the Restoration
HIS - HIS Elective
HIS 203
History of the British People Since the Restoration
HIS - HIS Elective
HIS 240
History of Kentucky
HIS - HIS Elective
HIS 248
History of Islam and Middle East Peoples, 500-1250 A.D.
HIS - HIS Elective
HIS 271
Medieval Europe
HIS - HIS Elective
HIS 295
History of Asia I
HIS 211* Asian Civilization I
HIS 296
History of Asia II
HIS 213* Asian Civilization II
IEC 130
Early Childhood Development
PSY - PSY Elective. **Does not count towards PSY major**
JPN 101
Elementary Japanese I
101* Elementary Japanese I
JPN 102
JPN 102* Elementary Japanese II
JPN 201
Intermediate Japanese I
JPN 201* Intermediate Japanese I
JPN 202
Intermediate Japanese II
JPN 202* Intermediate Japanese II
KHP 106-138, 140, 142, 143, 146, 149
Beginning Bowling, Fitness, Dancing, Martial Arts, Intermediate Martial Arts, Aerobics, Low-Impact Aerobics, Basketball, Conditioning, Beginning Weight Training, Water Aerobics, Nautilus, Cross-training, Swimming for Fitness, Advanced Walking for Fitness, Yoga, Advanced Aerobics, Intramurals, Intermediate Yoga, Advanced Yoga
KHS 111- Activities Course
KHP 145
Concepts In Health & Fitness
KHS 100* Lifetime Fitness
KHP 150
Personal Health Behavior
KHS 100* Lifetime Fitness
KHP 190
First Aid and Emergency Care
KHS 190 First Aid, CPR, and Sports Safety
KHP 225
Exercise Techniques and PT
KHS 111 Conditioning Activities
KHP 230
Human Health and Wellness
KHS 220 Personal Health
KHP 235
Personal Trainer Practicum
KHS 111 Conditioning Activities
MA 111
Contemporary Mathematics
MAT 115* Liberal Arts Mathematics
MA 113
Calculus I
MAT 125* Calculus I
MA 184
Calculus II
MAT 225* Calculus II
MA 201
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
MAT 203* Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
MA 202
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II
MAT 204* Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II
MA 214
Calculus IV
MAT -* MAT Elective
MAT 109
College Algebra
MAT 107* College Algebra
MAT 110
Algebra and Trigonometry
MAT 123* Precalculus
MAT 114
Calculus II
MAT 225* Calculus II
MAT 120
Intermediate Algebra
GSS 105 Elements of Quantitative Reasoning *Credit doesn't count towards graduation
MAT 123
Elementary Calculus and its Applications
MAT 109* Calculus for the Businesses and Social Sciences
MAT 146
Contemporary College Mathematics
MAT 115* Liberal Arts Mathematics
MAT 150
College Algebra
MAT 107* College Algebra
MAT 159
Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry
MAT 123* Precalculus
MAT 159
Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry
MAT 123* Precalculus
MAT 160
MAT 123* Precalculus
MAT 170
Brief Calculus with Applications
MAT 109* Calculus for the Businesses and Social Sciences
MAT 174
Calculus I
MAT 125* Calculus I
MAT 175
Calculus I
MAT 125* Calculus I
MAT 185
Calculus II
MAT 225* Calculus II
MAT 185
Calculus III
MAT -* MAT Elective
MAT 205
Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers I
MAT 203* Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
MAT 206
Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers II
MAT 204* Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II
MAT 213
Calculus III
MAT -* MAT Elective
MAT 261
Introduction to Number Theory
MAT -* MAT Elective
MAT 275
Calculus III
MAT -* MAT Elective
MAT 285
Differential Equations
MAT -* MAT Elective
MKT 282
Principles of Marketing
BUA - BUA Elective
MKT 290
Advertising and Promotion
BUA - BUA Elective
MUS 100
Introduction to Music
MUS 107* Music Appreciation
MUS 150
Class Piano I
MUS 149 Liberal Arts Piano
MUS 155
Voice Class
MUS 147 Liberal Arts Voice
MUS 187
Concert Band
MUS 105 Symphonic Band
MUS 192
University Chorus
MUS 101 Chorale
MUS 208
World Music
MUS 107* Music Appreciation
MUS 222
History and Sociology of Rock Music
MUS 223
Music for Elementary Teaching
MUS - MUS Elective
PHI 120
Introductory Logic
PHI 152* Logic
PHI 130
PHI 151* Ethics
PHI 260
History of Philosophy I
PHI 201* History of Philosophy I
PHI 270
History of Philosophy II
PHI 203* History of Philosophy II
PHY 151+161
Introduction to Physics I/Introduction to Physics I Lab
PHY 211* College Physics I **Does not count towards PHY major**
PHY 152+162
Introduction to Physics II/Introduction to Physics II Lab
PHY 212* College Physics II **Does not count towards PHY major**
PHY 160
Physics and Astronomy for Elementary Teachers
PHY 105* Sustainable Energy
PHY 201+202
College Physics I and College Physics I Lab
PHY 211* College Physics I
PHY 203+204
College Physics II and College Physics II Lab
PHY 212* College Physics II
PHY 231+241
General University Physics I, General University Physics I Lab
PHY 211* College Physics I
PHY 232+242
General University Physics II, General University Physics II Lab
PHY 212* College Physics II
PHYS 105
Concepts of the Physical World
PHY 105* Sustainable Energy
POL 101
American Government
POS 100* American Government
POL 210
Introduction to European Politics: East and West
POS - POS Elective
POL 235
World Politics
POL 255
State Government
POS - POS Elective
PSW 111
Introduction to Furniture Making
ART - ART Elective
PSY 110
General Psychology
PSY 111* General Psychology
PSY 212
Applications of Statistics in Psychology
PSY 211 Statistics for the Social Sciences
PSY 223
Developmental Psychology
PSY 240 Lifespan Development
PSY 230
Psychosocial Aspects of Death and Dying
PSY - PSY Elective
PSY 298
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology
PSY - PSY Elective
REL 120
Introduction to the Old Testament
REL 235* Old Testament Law and History
REL 121
Introduction to the New Testament
REL 231* New Testament I
REL 135
Intro to Comparative Christianity
REL 243* The Christian Heritage
REL 150
Coparative Ethics World Religions
REL 253* Religions of the Modern World
REL 240
Life and Teaching of Jesus
REL 231* New Testament I
REL 241
Life and Letters of Paul
REL 233* New Testament II
SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 111* Principles of Sociology
SOC 152
Modern Social Problems
SOC 113* Modern Social Problems
SOC 201
Sustainable Societies
SOC - SOC Elective
SOC 217
Criminal Procedures
SOC - SOC Elective
SOC 220
SOC 211 Community
SOC 235
Inequality in Society
SOC 118* Cultural Diversity
SOC 260
Population, Resources, and Change
SOC - SOC Elective
SOCL 230
Deviant Behavior
SOC - SOC Elective
SPA 101
Elementary Spanish I
SPA 101* Elementary Spanish I
SPA 102
Elementary Spanish II
SPA 102* Elementary Spanish II
SPA 115
Hispanic Culture
SPA 207* Topics in Hispanic Lang/Cult/Lit
SPA 201
Intermediate Spanish
SPA 201* Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 211
Spanish Conversation
SPA 230* Intensive Grammar/Conversation
STA 220
MAT 111* Elementary Probability and Statistics
STA 290
Statistical Methods
MAT 111* Elementary Probability and Statistics
SWK 180
Introduction to Gerontology
SOC - SOC Elective
SWK 269
Juvenile Delinquency
SOC - SOC Elective
SWK 275
The Family
SOC 213 Marriage and Family
THA 101
Introduction to Theatre: Principles and Practices
THE 107* Theatre Appreciation
THA 126
Acting I - Funamentals of Acting
THE 225* Acting
THA 150
Fundamentals of Production
THE 227* Theatre Production
THA 200
Introduction to Dramatic Literature
THE 107* Theatre Appreciation
THA 203
Acting for the Camera
THE - THE Elective
VCA 102
Fundamentals of Drawing
ART 115* Drawing
VCA 120
Digital Photography
ART 220* Digital Photography
VCC 110
Graphic Design Concepts
ART 170* Topics In Art
VCC 125
Introduction to Computer Graphics
ART 121* Introduction to Graphic Design
VCM 220
Webpage Design
ART - ART Elective
VCP 250
Screen Printing
ART - ART Elective

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